🇨🇱The entry requirements to Chile:
- The entry requirements to Chile: • Identification documents or VISA (Depend of the country of the origin).
- International police give to the tourist a “Tourism Card”. This Card is personal, and it have a duration of 90 days and extendable for other 90 days. Is important keep the card until leave the country. The entry requirements to Argentina: • Identification documents, VISA (Depend of the country of the origin) or AVE (Electronic Travel Authorization).
- Affidavit of Entry to Chile from the Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG, Servicio AgrĂcola y Ganadero). This must be completed online prior to the trip at the following link: https://djsimple.sag.gob.cl/
🇦🇷The entry requirements to Argentina:
- Identification documents, VISA (Depend of the country of the origin) or AVE (Electronic Travel Authorization).